Matthew's Autobiography


Matthew Darren Solichin Nugroho as born in San Francisco on 09/09/2009 at 11:27. Matthew is the only child of a humble family of three and was born 2 days early.(due 9/11)

Early days

As a child matthew went through many different phases. But the first phase that he went through was his Pirate phase(jake the pirate). After the pirate phase, matthew proceded to his batman phase and lastly to his ninja phase.

School days

After moving to indonesia from the US, matthew joined BTB school as a new students with terrible social skills. After winning a couple of competitions in 5th grade, Matthew finally had the courage to try and ake friends
After making friends, matthew proceded to go through school as an average BTB student with grades that are better that others (i dont know how to not act cocky. please do deduct points sir.) after 3 years of being in BTB school, matthew has continued to have a streak of being honor student. because of this in the next grades in the future he wishes to continue this strike until graduation.

Past and Current Hobbies

At a young age, matthew loved all aspects of music. at age 4, matthew decided to start piano and is still continuing his journey. Before the pandemic, Matthew joined a basketball club but lost intrest. During the pandemic matthew adapted the hobbies of playing computer games, playing drums, singing(but lost intrest) and playing guitar. after the pandemic matthew has adapted the hobbies swimming and badminton. Currently, matthew is concentrating on both drums and piano and is hoping in extend his knowledge in music to guitar.