Max's Autobiography

My Family

My name is Maxmillian Rodson Xing, I was born on October 26th of 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am the middle child and I have 2 other siblings: one is my bigger brother named Keenan Rodson Xing and my little brother named Nolan Rodson Xing. My Dad runs a Electronic country that is VERY successful and my Mom retails items from other countries to sell on instagram.

Kidergarten Days

My kindegarden days were… Quite interesting. I went to a kindergarden named TutorTime and most of my childhood memories I had was here. In Kingdergarden, I had my first friends that are actually in BTB School right now! They are: Leon, Jayden and Darryl, they are doing very well today and we are still in touch with each other.

Present day

Fast forward to today, I am now a young teen at 12 years old - almost 13 and I absolutely love editing videos and I also love sports like Badminton and Basketball. My least favorite is definitely Maths but I love the teacher but just not the subject though. My favorite subject is DEFINITELY Computer Science I think it was genes from my Dad but nonetheless, I really hope the academic years I spend here will be the best I had ever since kindergarten.

My Hobbies

My hobbies are playing games, going outside and ACTUALLY touching grass, riding my bike and voice call with a couple of my friends. My past hobbies are probably reading, I was a book worm back then 😛.