Nicholson's Autobiography

Early Life

Hello everyone! My name is Nicholson Harijono and I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia. One thing about me is that I used to make funny faces and as I got older, it reminds me of my younger self. That was some short information about myself. Now, I would like to share to you about my autobiography.

Growing up and Family

Childhood. I grew up with my father, mother, brother and my grandparents. They are very important aspects of my life. They've been working hard every single day. My father is someone that would support me when i'm down. My mom is someone that would take care of me when i'm sick. She is a good cook. My brother is like a partner to me. He always plays basketball with me and always supports me whenever I want to give up. To this day, he still plays basketball with me and supports me. Last but not least, my grandparents. They are the most caring grandparents. Every time I do something wrong, they will correct me. They are the kindest grandparents that I could ask for.

School days

Either way, I don't hate school nor like school. A good thing about school is that we can make a lot of new friends, and etc. The bad thing about school is that I really hate waking up early on school days and studying hard for exams. I have a favourite subject and least favourite subject. Firstly, I really like PE and Maths. They are fun subjects. My least favourite subject is Science. I can't really understand the subject well and I find myself having a difficult time studying Science. I didn't join any school clubs nor ASA.


Hobbies. I really enjoy playing basketball. Even though sometimes I get finger jams and rolled ankles, it's still fun. I want to get better at basketball. A game that I like is NBA 2K24. I want to learn something interesting but as of right now I'm not too interested in learning something new.

My Dreams

When I grow up, my number one priority is to become a businessman like my dad or play for the national basketball team. If becoming a business man isn't really for me, I will try to be a member of the national basketball team.