Clive's Autobiography

Early Life

Hello everyone! My name is Clive Leonel Alexander Harmokho. I was born on July 21, 2010 in a busy city Jakarta,Indonesia. I am 13 years old. I spent my whole life in a busy city which is Jakarta. Since I was a kid I always am a cheerful and extrovert kid, I would always crack stupid jokes. Here is a short story of my life.

Growing up and Family

I grew up with my father, mother, sister and little brother, they all played a crucial part of my life. I am very close with my family, we have a loving relationship, we always support each other during low and high times, we always respect each other decision. My father always work very hard to support the family and give us a comfortable life , while my mother is a housewife that cooks the food for the family and everything she cooks is very delicious, we always share or confide our story. Our family create so many memories togenther especially our cruise ship trip on lebaran this year, it was very fun and unforgettable.

School days

For me, I neither despises nor enjoys school; I just maintains a neutral attitude toward it. At school, I have a couple of friends and a couple of subject that I really enjoy and I am competent at such as science, P.E , music, math and art. I also joined the school basketball team beacause I am eager to showcase my passion for basketball and contribute to the team's success.


I love and enjoy playing basketball because my dad is a highschool athlete and he influence or inspire me to play basketball just like him. I really love basketball because everytime i play basketball , I completely immerses myself in the game, letting go of all worries and distractions as my love for the sport takes over. I also play the drums because at first, I just want to have a skill on musical instrument and the musical instrument that i am really interested at the time was drum so i decided to have a drum lesson, but as i started to play and experimenting with it , I gradually began focuses on playing it i now i really like playing the drums.

My Dreams

When i was little, I always wanted to be a firefighter, because they save many lives by putting out the fire when there is a fire in a certain are or place, but then i realize that being a fire fighter doesn't make much money. When i grow up i want to be CEO of a company that i build with my own money, my future dreams are that i can be an investor and own one NBA team. I wanted to repay and honor the unwavering dedication and relentless hard work put forth by both of my parents throughout my upbringing, I want to study hard so that my future dreams will become truth in the future.